Define Gambling
Gambling is the act of wagering something in the face of an uncertain outcome. We place something such as money or an object at risk in an attempt to gain something of greater value.
Every year, 2M U.S. adults are estimated to meet the criteria for disordered gambling, while another 4-6M individuals are problem gamblers at risk for serious addiction consequences.
Are you familiar with how problem gambling can affect an individual, as well as his or her family members, friends, coworkers and community? Explore the path of problem gambling, and share with others to prevent gambling addiction from affecting people you know.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, or DSM-5 recognizes gambling disorder as a disorder similar to substance-related disorders.
It is illegal in NYS for vendors to sell individuals under age 18 lottery tickets or allow them to bet in a casino or racetrack.
Gambling is the act of wagering something in the face of an uncertain outcome. We place something such as money or an object at risk in an attempt to gain something of greater value.
Whether you choose to gamble at home or out, there are many gambling opportunities, such as lottery tickets, casino games, raffles, bingo and card games.
For some problem gamblers, early gambling luck leads them to believe they have skills, even for games of chance, that make them more likely to succeed than others.
For most problem gamblers,
it’s about the excitement or the escape.
Have you ever thought that if you play enough, you’ll win eventually? If it takes a long time, it seems “overdue” even? That’s Gambler’s Fallacy, when people believe the chance of a random occurrence with a fixed probability will increase or decrease due to recent occurrences.
Gambling problems occur when gambling starts to affect any aspect of your life. It doesn’t have to be financial - is gambling all you can think about? Are you skipping work to gamble? Move on to warning signs.
Men and women of all ages and ethnicities can develop a gambling problem, whether they have an addiction history or not. Problem gamblers are more likely to have been introduced to gambling at a young age than people without gambling problems.
Gambling addiction is referred to as the “Hidden Addiction” because its signs are difficult to see and consequences often go unnoticed for a long time.
Many problem gamblers fill time with gambling activities instead of pursuing other hobbies, jobs or relationships.
Many people avoid dealing with potentially negative situations by doing repetitive activities such as online card games and slot machines.
Gambling problems occur when gamblings starts to affect any aspect of your life. It doesn’t have to be financial - is gambling all you can think about? Are you skipping work to gamble? Move on to warning signs.
Family members and friends can spot signs of your addiction.
Your child has been educated about problem gambling, and has noticed a difference in you.
Gambling has the highest suicide rate of all addictions.
Familiarize yourself with information about gambling addiction, and look into support options near you.
You may choose to seek one-on-one counseling with a professional counselor who understands problem gambling and can help guide you toward your recovery.
Support groups such as Gamblers Anonymous and Gam-Anon provide opportunities to speak to problem gamblers and family members of problem gamblers about their experiences and help you share your own questions, comments and concerns.
Your relationships with family members and friends may have suffered due to your addiction, but you can repair those relationships. Begin reconnecting today.
You can help raise awareness about problem gambling and prevent it from hurting others.
You won’t be able to fix everything immediately, but you can assess what needs to be done. What debts must be repaid? What relationships must be repaired?
If you used gambling to fill time, find healthy alternatives so you do not become addicted to other activities or substances.
If you gambled to “escape” problems, talk to your counselor or support group about how to manage these problems.
Explain to family, friends and coworkers what situations you need to avoid, and alternatives you can do to socialize together.
Help prevent the gambling addictions of others by sharing your experience and educating them about your addiction’s warning signs and consequences.
Do you or someone you know need to find help for problem gambling?