Recent Study Suggests Link Between Gambling Disorder and Pleasure Posted On

Across the world, researchers are working to better understand the causes of gambling addiction so that we can discover more effective ways to treat it. By looking at the differences between problem gamblers and those not affected by addiction, and by looking at the similarities between problem gamblers and those facing other addictions, we may… Read more »

Noticing the Signs of Addiction When They’re Hard to See Posted On

It’s not obvious upon first meeting someone. Unlike a waft of nicotine, or a faint smell of alcohol on a person’s breath, problem gambling is an addiction that can be much harder to spot. Even in those who are close to us, our own spouses and family members. For this reason, we often call it… Read more »

Living in Addiction Recovery: Managing Stress Posted On

Stress: A specific response by the body to a stimulus such as fear or pain that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism. We all feel stressed from time to time. Stress affects us physically, mentally and emotionally.  The worry or pressure caused by life’s issues affects us in ways we… Read more »