Get Help and Stop Gambling Today Posted On

*This post was originally written by the New York Council on Problem Gambling for publication on Trying to stop gambling? Help for problem gambling comes in many forms: self-help methods and step-based programs like Gambler’s Anonymous and professional counseling including motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy. You might need to try a variety of… Read more »

Problem Gambling – What about me? Posted On

In the United States, millions of adults and youth are experiencing negative consequences due to their gambling. It is estimated that every one of these problem gamblers, affects between 5 and 10 other people. Parents of problem gamblers feel like they’ve failed their children.Spouses of problem gamblers carry the weight of the household.Children of problem… Read more »

March Madness is a Risky Time for Everyone Posted On

This Sunday, March 15th, is Selection Sunday and marks the kick-off of the NCAA Basketball Tournament – better known as “March Madness.”  March Madness now rivals the SuperBowl as the most bet on sporting event in the United States.  A 2009 Microsoft survey estimated that 58 million Americans fill out sports brackets each year.  That… Read more »

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Week: Have the Conversation! Posted On

Over the past decade the availability of gambling has skyrocketed but acceptance of gambling addiction as a serious public health concern has lagged.  It is estimated that six to eight million Americans meet the criteria for gambling addiction, and that 8-10 people are affected by one individual’s gambling problem. Problem gambling impacts relationships, families, businesses… Read more »