Stress During the Holiday Season Posted On

The holidays are meant to bring joy as family and friends come together to celebrate, reminisce, and create new memories.  Although the holidays are a joyous time, many people struggle with stress and anxiety as the holidays approach.  Though stress is not good for anyone, stress is especially dangerous for people in recovery, as stress… Read more »

Holiday Preparation Posted On

As the holiday season draws near, many people are scurrying about trying to come up with holiday gift ideas.  For those who give cards, or stuff stockings, sometimes it seems easy, and harmless, to throw in a scratch-off, but “harmless” is certainly not the case. Concerning youth, 17 years and younger, offering scratch-offs could lead… Read more »

Gratitude in Recovery Posted On

During the Thanksgiving holiday, we all heard about how important it is to be thankful for what we have.  But did you know that gratitude can actually help along the road to recovery.  To be grateful doesn’t mean comparing your life against others, but, instead, shifting the focus on appreciating the things we have in… Read more »