Youth Gambling Posted On

As we come to the end of Problem Gambling Awareness Month, it’s important to talk about where gambling may begin: youth.  68% of American youth between the ages of 14 and 21 have gambled, and these youth are at more than double the risk for developing problem gambling than the general population; the younger a… Read more »

Problem Gambling: Talking to Your Loved Ones Posted On

Problem gambling can reach far beyond the individual struggling with gambling.  Aside from financial consequences, problem gambling can lead to loss of trust and respect, and deteriorating relationships.  Problem gambling can affect our mental and physical health, leading to depression, anxiety, respiratory problems, and migraines, to name a few.  Problem gambling can even lead a person… Read more »

Problem Gambling and Mental Health Posted On

When many of us think about problem gambling, we are often drawn to the one obvious negative consequence – financial struggle.  It’s time we start talking about the elephant in the room – the connection between mental health and problem gambling.  No one is really sure which came first, but there are strong connections between problem gambling… Read more »

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month! Posted On

What is Problem Gambling Awareness Month? Problem Gambling Awareness Month is a time to pay special attention to the issues around problem gambling, and ways to get help for those who are suffering from the effects of problem gambling.  Problem gambling affects everyone; from the person who struggles with problem gambling, to their families who… Read more »