Problem Gambling and Suicide Ideation Posted On

Did you know that nearly 50% of people struggling with gambling disorder have thoughts of suicide?  Therefore, someone who knows two people struggling with “repeated problematic gambling behavior that causes significant problems or distress” (APA) likely knows at least one who may have thoughts about suicide.  Problem gambling affects millions of Americans, and we’re looking… Read more »

Parents: Talk to Teens about underage gambling! Posted On

There are so many things that parents tell teens to be aware of, from crossing the street safely, to avoiding addictive behaviors.  For the third week in Problem Gambling Awareness Month, the focus is  on parents talking with their youth about the risks of underage gambling. The teenage years are a time of great change… Read more »

Tips for Teens Posted On

Whether you like it or not, part of being a teenager is feeling the need to look cool and fit in.  Most teens may not know that nearly 90% of youth age 14-21 do not gamble on a regular basis (Welte, 2007).  There’s good reason for not participating in underage gambling, and that is because… Read more »

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month Posted On

Welcome to the 2017 Problem Gambling Awareness Month!  Problem Gambling Awareness Month is intended to bring awareness to the need to have conversations about problem gambling.  During the month of March, you’ll be inundated with facts, ideas, helpful tips, links, videos and a multitude of other resources that will help you have the conversation about… Read more »