Holiday Stressors Posted On

The holiday season is a time for celebration and gathering. It is a time of joy when getting together with family and friends. However, it can also be a time of stress, especially if you are in recovery from a gambling problem. There may be certain stressors or triggers that give you the urge to… Read more »

Avoiding Holiday Triggers Posted On

For loved ones struggling with problem gambling, the stress of the holidays can be a trigger for gambling. Therefore, understanding their holiday triggers, and knowing ways to avoid, them is a great way to help them begin or maintain their recovery from problem gambling during the holiday season.  Stress and Problem Gambling Stress from the holidays… Read more »

Media and Problem Gambling Posted On

Have you heard?  Media is everywhere!  Media literacy is integral to keeping yourself and your family safe from problem gambling. Our Lives and Media Media is can be found everywhere in our daily lives.  From advertisements on Facebook and TV commercials, to seeing logos on shirts, shoes and cars, media is everywhere.  Whatever feelings these advertisements… Read more »