Problem Gambling and Co-Occurring Disorders Posted On

We’re coming to the end of March, but continue to celebrate problem gambling awareness month by discussing possible co-occurring disorders. It’s important for everyone to know that problem gambling may not exist on its own. Problem gambling may be one of the mental health disorders that someone is struggling with, known as co-occurring disorders. Problem… Read more »

Families and Problem Gambling Posted On

As Problem Gambling Awareness Month continues, we’d like to put special emphasis on supporting families. Problem gambling does not affect just the person who struggles with gambling problems.  It also affects at least 10 of the closest people to the person struggling with their gambling. This usually includes family. Families and Problem Gambling Many families know… Read more »

Gambling Disorder – Mental Illness Posted On

As march continues, so do does our focus on Problem Gambling Awareness Month. We want to share the importance of learning more about problem gambling as a mental health diagnosable disorder and connecting people in need to care. Importance of Raising Awareness Even with all the hard work of the many professionals and agencies across New York… Read more »

Problem Gambling Awareness Month Posted On

Welcome to the 2020 Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM). This year, we are focusing on the connection of problem gambling and other mental illness. We want to help residents of New York State understand the connection and available resources. Problem Gambling Defined Problem gambling refers to any time gambling causes problems in someone’s life. These… Read more »