Treatment of Gambling Disorder Posted On

As we continue celebrating Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM), we would like to shed light on the importance of treatment. Individuals struggling with problem gambling may have come to a point where formal treatment is the best way to address their gambling problems. If individuals have screened positive for risk of gambling disorder, there are professionals trained… Read more »

Screening During PGAM Posted On

For Problem Gambling Awareness Month, we put special emphasis on screening. Screening for problem gambling is how we can identify individuals struggling and connect them to the help they need before their condition worsens.  People with gambling problems are likely struggling to maintain health relationships with loved ones, have difficulty prioritizing and holding employment and are… Read more »

September is Recovery Month Posted On

Happy Recovery Month! September is Recovery Month and we’d like to shed light on the positive experience of recovery from problem gambling. Since problem gambling is often a “hidden addiction,” we need to make it our high priority to talk about, educate, prevent, and screen for problem gambling. Recovery from Problem Gambling Recovery is the… Read more »

Free Time Can Trigger Problem Gambling Posted On

Free time can act as a trigger for those who are in recovery from problem gambling. It’s important to know how you’re time is spent, and how you can optimize your day to work for you instead of against you. Problem Gambling Problem gambling affects millions of people in the United States. Whether it’s the… Read more »

Problem Gambling After The Madness Fades Posted On

March was Problem Gambling Awareness Month, which regularly follows one of the biggest football games of the year and falls in the same month as college basketball’s madness championship tournament.  Regardless of what news or research article you read, you’ll find that tens of millions of dollars are spent betting on these sporting events nationwide…. Read more »

The Big Game Can Be A Trigger Posted On

The Big Game is around the corner.  For those struggling with recovery from problem gambling and loved ones experiencing adverse effects of problem gambling, this game can act as a trigger and intensify the negative consequences of gambling, but it doesn’t have to. The Big Game Can Be A Trigger Throughout the year, many people are… Read more »