What is Problem Gambling? Posted On

Gambling  Gambling is the act of risking something of value on a game of chance for a desired outcome.  Many people gamble and don’t struggle with problem gambling, but those who do struggle cause a significant amount of emotional and financial problems to their loved ones and themselves.    Gambling opportunities are everywhere  At one point in history, you needed to travel to… Read more »

Older Americans Month and Problem Gambling Awareness Posted On

May is Older Americans Month; it’s a great time to reflect on the wonderful contributions older Americans have on our society.  As we reflect on this wonderful group of Americans, we also want to assist them in living the healthiest lives possible. Whether you consider yourself an older American or not, we all know someone… Read more »

A Thank You to Veterans Posted On

Veterans day is a wonderful time to give thanks for the liberties that they have offered their time, and lives, to help protect.  They are a greatly valued, yet sometimes underappreciated, group of wonderful people.  Don’t forget that they’ve given to us, but, now, they may need us; with that said, they may also be in… Read more »