Healthy Activities to Do While in Gambling Addiction Recovery Posted On

From our knowledge of gambling addiction’s triggers, we know that some people choose to gamble to fill time when they’re bored. Others gamble to avoid problems and frustration. Other problem gamblers choose to gamble as a method of relaxation or a way to celebrate good news. For a problem gambler in recovery, it is very… Read more »

Definition: What Is Gambler’s Fallacy Posted On

KnowTheOdds defines gambler’s fallacy, an issue that can affect the thinking of many gamblers and hurt people with gambling addiction.

The Insula: Did Scientists Find Part of Brain Linked to Gambling Addiction? Posted On

Millions of people throughout the world are struggling with gambling addiction. And every day, many more are researching problem gambling – seeking to understand problem gambling and why some people are unable to stop, and trying to identify a way to prevent or permanently treat this addiction. Studies are ongoing all over the world –… Read more »