Creating A Safe Work Place Posted On

As part of Problem Gambling Awareness Month, we have been highlighting problem gambling in the work place.  Problem gambling can negatively affect the work place.  There are steps you can take to keep your work environment safe from gambling related problems. Problems At Work Many people choose to gamble while at work.  Whether it’s bringing a scratch-off… Read more »

Helping A Colleague Posted On

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM).  For this year’s PGAM, we’re asking all professionals to be a resource and pay attention to the signs of problem gambling in colleagues.  It’s important to be a resource for those struggling with problem gambling.  As a resource, you could save someone’s life.  To be a resource, it’s… Read more »

Problem Gambling in the Work Place Posted On

Problem gambling can happen anywhere and affect anyone.  The work place is no exception.  Problem gambling is a work place problem, but you can actively help colleagues and improve the work atmosphere. Problems in the Work Place The work place is intended to be a place of production.  In an ideal world, everyone would come… Read more »

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month Posted On

During the month of March, many community, statewide and national agencies will be working together to raise awareness about problem gambling and where to get help.  Defining Problem Gambling Problem Gambling refers to any time gambling causes problems in someone’s life.   Gambling problems can feel overwhelming, such as financial difficulties, troubled relationships with loved ones,… Read more »