Families and Problem Gambling Posted On

As Problem Gambling Awareness Month continues, we’d like to put special emphasis on supporting families. Problem gambling does not affect just the person who struggles with gambling problems.  It also affects at least 10 of the closest people to the person struggling with their gambling. This usually includes family. Families and Problem Gambling Many families know… Read more »

College and Problem Gambling Posted On

The summer is coming to an end and students are moving on to their next level of education, which may be college.  Going off to college is an amazing time of growth, learning and self-exploration.  Learning about all the world may have to offer shows many youths how limitless life can be.  With this feeling… Read more »

Healthy Holiday Gifting Posted On

Did you know that gambling opportunities like scratch-offs are not a healthy gift for kids?  Gambling at a young age puts youth at risk for other risky behaviors, and it all start with the brain.  The Young Brain The brains of youth are not fully developed until they reach the age of 25.  It’s during… Read more »

Summer Youth Gambling Prevention Posted On

Summer is approaching and the kids will soon be home. Unlike school days, youth will have a lot of extra time on their hands that could be used for good choices or for poor choices. This time of year, when youth have so much time on their hands, is when many youth begin choosing to participate… Read more »

No Scratch-Offs for Teens! Posted On

As the holidays are approaching, many people begin to scramble looking for different types of gifts to give to the people that they love. As people get more and more desperate, they may think of getting a scratch off ticket for a teen, especially to put in stockings and cards.   These gifts are meant for… Read more »